Renu Gupta is a published Hindi writer, business-owner and a highly effective as well as committed community organizer.
Renu was honored in India with the ‘She The Change – Nari Udhyami Sanman 2019’ award for her lifelong efforts in bringing about a positive change in the lives of people in India and the U.S. The award, conferred by
the Beti & Shiksha Foundation in Varanasi, India, was presented by Tara Gandhi, granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi and Uttarkhand (India) Governor Baby Rani Maurya.
An Architect by profession, Utsav Chakrabarti has been presenting the case of Hindu and indigenous communities to thought-leaders in Washington DC for more than 18 years.
As a keen Washington Beltway trends observer, his works have been presented to the lawmakers at the Capitol Hill and to representatives of the Human Rights Commission.
Utsav’s awareness on intersectional socio-political movements and religions, stems from his learning from the history of architecture, the built environment and its impact on peoples, nation building and civilization.
Music is the foundation of Anjalee’s existence. Anjalee’s life mission is to serve the under/mis represented dharmic and ethnic faith based communities by amplifying their unheard voice.
At work, Anjalee is adept as a Software Engineer, Product Manager and Agile expert.
Paramita’s, (closest Sanskrit meaning : striving for perfection & wisdom) American journey started as a graduate student in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
She embraces her Dharma roots from Kolkata, India and Karma responsibilities as a citizen of United States of America.
Paro’s voice & verbiage resonates most with Children & Women rights. She is passionate about American Hindu’s engagement in Nation building through grassroots activities, while immersed in Pharma Industry for over 25 years.